Grace mercy and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. 

We received much rainfall the second and third week of the month. Water to drink, grass to feed animals is plenty. We planted sweet potatoes to substitute the grains. The first week l attended the funeral of a non-church member. Br Tawanda Mhukayatadza completed his advanced level with distinctions. The second week our church youths attended a Manicaland fellowship meeting. The third week Br Taylor Mukono retired after 53 years in the preaching ministry. I lost a cousin the third week. Together with my wife we visited my mother in law's place of origin in Rusape for the payment of lobola, we visited sister Masere who had a daughter who conceived a baby girl. The final day of the month l witnessed a memorial service of the late preacher in Chivhu. 

The late Mrs. Bhasera aged 74 years is a sister of sister Masere and they are neighbors about 100m away. Mrs. Bhasera was removed the right leg due to sugar diabetes; her son Tichaona got a serious stroke; she was a widow survived with 13 children three are dead. The children were neglecting their mother as l pass through their home l saw that help was needed as l used to give them the little l have. The death was so sudden as she had stomach pains and she was called home. When we were at the graveyard l received a call from my mom and informed me about how my father collapsed as l quickly call my wife to accompany together as she was at school. We saw him as the situation demanded to visit the hospital and we gave them enough money as he was quickly treated. Now he is feeling much better. l thank you for praying with us. 

Br Tawanda did an excellent work as far as the school is concerned. He passed his advanced level with distinction Math A, Geography A, Physics B we were happy together with the church, his challenge lies on the school fees to attend university. Laura did well as she completed her first term exams she got number 1. Lowell did not do well as he walk away with number 18.

The second week 10 youths at Bazel attended a Manicaland gospel fellowship at Maruru church of Christ. The church members donated some food at the fellowship. The youths left our home on Friday as they spent good time together. On the 17th all the church members at Bazel followed the youths and the surrounding congregations including Derembwe, Mupudzi, Nyakunu, Dangamvura, Sakubva etc. We were invited to witness the retirement time of Br Mukono a 53 years long serving man of God with his wife, sister Judith. I was a song leader together with bro Feso we sang good songs. I was selected to represent Mutare south preachers to say words of exhortation on Br Taylor Mukono. Together with my wife we gave $20 usd as a gift and Bazel gave a big blanket and a big dish for laundry. Br Makunike preached about, “God remember our good deeds.” Dr. Mugweni was present, and he assisted the youths with a big tent. The total number of people attended were 800 and the giving was $180 usd. We were saved with lunch after service it was wonderful. 

I received a call on the 18th informed of the death of my cousin Tafadzwa, the third daughter of my father's elder brother Samuel. She was 22 years old as she survived with a seven months old son. She had complications when she was pregnant after a baby was too big, the heart was affected and the doctor quickly noticed the problem, she was operated but it was too late as she was sick for four months and pass away. The baby is safe. We laid her in our home graveyard as the father insisted that. On Thursday she was buried. 

On the 25th together with my wife we visited Dewedzo 60km south of Rusape. This is where my wife's mother grew up. Our mission was to give them a cow which was supposed to be given to the mother before she left. Anything belongs to the mother must be handed over to her brothers or sisters. We gave them $300usd to purchase a cow, a big blanket and groceries. We met with uncle Norman Maunga and his family and aunt Matiashe who is 97years old. We had a great moment and they were very happy to receive us at their home. We will be back again to complete the part of the lobola to the mother. l have $400 usd left, then l will go to Honde Valley to clear 8 head of cattle left from 12 head of cattle. This is our culture if you fail to do this the in laws will not be able to cooperate with you in times of difficulties or in any celebration. 

Together with my wife we visited sister Masere to see a new born baby girl of her daughter. Last years she lost her husband as l followed her to Chimanimani in Chikukwa village as the rain spend the whole night falling. This is the time sister Masere came back to church as she backsliding long time ago. She was married again now they are strong and she was blessed with two daughters and we presented our gifts to her and we prayed as the name of a child is Tinotenda. 

On the 30th l went to Maware village in Chivhu to witness a memorial service of a long serving preacher Abedinigo Mugweni who was a classmate of Br Taylor Mukono at a Bible College. We were advised to meet at Sakubva church 5:30 am. Unfortunately, l was delayed by the police at a roadblock to a car l boarded. I tried to call them, but they did not harken to my voice. I was just wondering, and they advised me to return home, but I followed them as their omnibus was also delayed by the police in Rusape. The time l arrived in Rusape this is the time they were released by the police. Everyone in the bus was amazed with the sacrifice l made to follow them. At 11:30 am we arrived the place as we sang songs together and we gave a final comfort to the Mugweni family. Bro Matiza preached, and we were 1500 people attended. 

I want to thank you brothers and sisters for the love you showed me and the family we are humbled by your love may God bless you all amen. 


  Mushunje Bazel
Date Attendance Giving Attendance Giving
3/6/2022 4 1 48 8
3/13/2022 5 2 58 6
3/20/2022 4 1 62 7
3/27/22 6 1 75 12

Yours ln Christ 

Simbarashe Gondo