Dear Brethren,

It is my prayer that this report finds you well. The month of April was one of the most difficult months for me and my children. We had seen the health of my late wife deteriorating too badly until the 30th April when she said goodbye.  We are still not believing that she is no longer among us today. But I really want to thank you brethren for comforting us with God,s Word.  We also want to thank you for the financial support which you gave to cover all the funeral expenses. Everything went very well. May the Lord bless you all for your love and concern.   Continue to pray for us especially for our 8 year old boy.    


We had several Bible lessons with both old and new prospects in the first week of April, 2023. Many of these prospects they showed more interest in learning God,s word.  Pray that the Lord will open their hearts to the gospel.


On the second of April, 2023 we continued with our door to door knocking. I am glad to say that we had a warm welcome at every house that we knocked. Many of the people we met expressed their interest to listen to the gospel.  Many of these people had requested us to revisit them.


On third week of April, 2023 myself and brother Zvizveku we visited the Nyazura Farm Prison where we shared the gospel both to the staff and to the prisoners.  Some of these prisoners were asking us to give them some Bibles.  It is unfortunately that we do not have Bibles. Here they are more expensive.


On Friday of the third week of April, 2023 I visited the clinic in our community and shared the gospel to all patients as well as to the staff. After I preached I had time to interact with some sick people.


I preached twice during the month of April, 2023. I taught adults for three weeks. Our church attendance ranged from 13 to 19.  Our giving for the whole month was $35.  Our giving is really affected in the fact that many of our church members are poor and do not go for work.


  • Pray for our nation and the upcoming Presidential elections in July, 2023. 
  • Pray for my kids.
  • Pray for our mission work here and for more open doors for the gospel.

Above all thank you for your support and prayers.

In Christ,
Nhamo Mumba