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Ron Writes

Sometimes we get things backwards. The emphasis is put on the wrong point. One of the biggest of these is in thinking that God wants to be part of our lives. He doesn’t. He wants us to be part of His! The difference can be quite subtle. The one request is out of humility and brokenness realizing that we need God and want to give Him complete control. The other is out of pride and selfishness as if God needs to be honored by adding Him as just one more thing to our busy lives. People want God as long as they can still be in control.
Of course, one of the great gifts of God is free will. God has given us the ability to choose. We can make choices. Too many use that freedom to do what they selfishly want instead of as an opportunity to do what is right. Choice is very powerful. It can give us the illusion that we’re in control. It has even given some the idea that since they can choose God, God must be under their control.
People get frustrated. God isn’t doing what they want. Why isn’t God answering my prayers? Too many think they can use God to get what they want. If we do A.B. and C. then God should do X.Y. and Z. As selfish humans, when we think of becoming a Christian and becoming part of His church, we’re listening to W.I.I.F.M. “What’s In It For Me?” If God isn’t going to do what I want, then what good is He?
This can be seen in Bible beliefs. Too many come to the Bible like it’s a smorgasbord. A little of this, a bit of that and none of this. If it’s something they like or agree with they’ll believe it, but otherwise it’s up for debate. The parts that emphasize God’s love, mercy and grace are embraced while God’s design for marriage, family and morality are left behind.
The great invitation from God is the opportunity to be part of His life, His kingdom, His control. Won’t you humbly bow before Him today and accept His invitation.