God has been good to us. As we think back on this year, in many
ways it has been typical of every year. We said goodbye to loved
ones who moved on or went to be with the Lord. We welcomed a
baby (Carson James Kratz, June 6) and many new friends. We had
moments to laugh and cry together. There were victories and setbacks.
There was sickness and recoveries.
This was the first full year since the pandemic that we were able to
meet with one another in the building for worship. We were able to
have Bible classes and even ASBA again this year. Some great
teachers presented some wonderful Bible lessons. The bulletin was
able to be published again. We were blessed to raise enough money
to dig a well in Zimbabwe. We ate together and had picnics and
parties again. We had anniversaries and were able to reach other
milestones in our lives. It was the start of my 36th year of ministry
with you (I started when I was 10).
We had baptisms (Travis Soff, Conner Berreth, Clay Neil, Keinan
Murphy, Delaney Murphy) and many reminders of God’s love, mercy
and grace.
We are blessed with a wonderful Christian family here. May God
continue to bless us. May you be blessed on this Christmas day
and in the New Year.