Calvary greetings to you all Brethren. I hope and trust that this report finds you well. We are so grateful for the Lord’s grace that showers our lives as we are going through difficult times in this country due to hunger crisis. However, this does not discourage us to continue preaching and teaching the gospel to the lost.


During the first week of July 2024 myself and the other two men in our congregation visited Tokoyo village. We met different ages as we did our door to door knocking. Many of these people whom we met were very kin to learn listening to the gospel. Some were able to ask many questions which we also managed to answer. Pray that the Lord continues opening their hearts to the gospel.         


We had three baptisms during the month of July 2023. My son Prosper was among the three people who got baptized. I am also engaged in monitoring some activities to help these new converts to grow in their faith.


On the 2nd week of July I managed to conduct three days of Bible studies with both new and old converts at our church shelter. We would start our Bible class at 9am and finish at  our church shelter. The average attendance was 20


On the 3rd week of July 2024, myself and brother Zvinzveku visited Nyazura farm prison. We managed to share the gospel both to the staff as well as to the prisoners. We  also managed to distribute some English tracts.


On the 4th week of July, 2024, I visited almost 12 sick people both members of our church as well as those ones in the village community. Many of these sick people were so happy and expressed their gratitude and thanks. Many of the denominational preachers don't visit their members in homes. We have one couple from the Anglican church who attended our church service two Sundays and are expressing their interest to come to our church for good.


I preached three Sundays and taught adults Bible class for one Sunday. Brother Zumbika preached one Sunday whilst brother Nyarukowa taught adults Bible class for three Sundays. Our average attendance for the month of July was 22 to 27.


  • Please pray for our struggling church members due to hunger.
  • Pray for our mission work.
  • Need for transport in doing the mission work.

Above all, I am very humbled by your continued commitment and financial support. I am grateful for your  effort to ensure that our mission work Here in Zimbabwe keeps on going  and achieve its goals in spreading the gospel to the lost souls

In Christ,
Nhamo Mumba