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Ron Writes

Now with several weeks behind me following open-heart surgery, there are several lessons I’ve been reminded about. 
God is good!

He hears us when we pray. Some fall into the habit of saying a rote prayer in the morning and night. Going through a crisis forces us to our knees with a new urgency. The reality of God’s presence is vital. He never abandons us but gives us confidence that even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death He is with us. Trials remind us that we 
can trust in God.

The importance of friends.

A crisis is often harder on our loved ones than on us. My wife, Lynn, always has my best interest and has expressed it with her tireless care. It meant so much to have our friend Luetta sit with Lynn during those long hours of surgery. The countless prayers, calls, cards, gifts, and visits meant so much. I was reminded that every pastor needs a pastor. 


It’s easy to feel like you don’t have enough time to be sick. You might as well relax because your body has its own schedule. No amount of fussing and fretting is going to make your body heal faster. Recovery is hard work. It’s easy to get tired of being tired. I like to say this is what the Bible is talking about when it says, “and it came to pass.” Things typically do get better, even if it’s just adjusting to the new normal.

(to be continued)