Love is love. Love wins. How can anyone refute love? Progressives tell us that we should care more about love and less about sex.
We’ve been told that the battle is about love. “Love is most important. Love is the Greatest Commandment.” No, it isn’t. “Love the Lord your God” is the Greatest Commandment (Mt.
22:37). The real battle is against God and what He tells us in His Word. Loving God means to believe and obey the truth of God’s Word. It means to recognize Him as Creator, ruler and lord of all. It’s putting His desires above our own.
The real battle is the rejection of God.
This why the Bible is being attacked. Obedience is essential to loving God. So we’re told “you can’t really trust God’s Word. How can you know what God wants? It’s not something you can be 100% sure of.” And the arguments go on and on.
In fact, to love God is to help people see the truth of God’s Word so they can go to heaven. We must speak the truth in love. As Dick Clay says, “Remaining silent is interpreted to mean that we think biblical standards are obsolete or unimportant, that the Bible is not really God’s Word, that God’s ways are not always the best ways, or that Christian values are no longer relevant. In other words, we can no longer trust that the Bible is true” (Ships without Rudders, p. 264. I highly recommend this book). We must boldly declare the full counsel of God. We must declare His Word in love, grace, and power. Love is letting others know that God is against sin, but God is for them. We must help others discover what true love is.