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Greetings to you all Brethren

It is my hope that this note finds you all in good health. Time really flies! We are already into half of the year. The Lord continues to guide and protect us. 


May was one of the coldest months, especially in the evenings and mornings. We saw many people complaining with strong flu accompanied by strong coughing. At first many thought that the COVID 19 is now back. 


On the first two weeks of May, 2024 we were busy doing door to door knocking in Chipunza village. We met different ages who were eager to hear the gospel. We managed to distribute over 300 English tracts. We had two prospects who came to attend our Sunday services twice during the month of May


On the  26th of May 2024 we had a district Sunday fellowship for 6 congregations in our district. We had over 200 people who attended the fellowship. The invited guest speaker, brother Emmanuel Tsikada, did a wonderful job. About 8 souls were baptized on that very day.


The drought situation in Zimbabwe is so bad. Millions of people are in desperate need of food. At times when we go out for evangelism work we see how much people are really suffering. Please pray for all our church members that they may remain faithful despite the tough time which we are going through in our nation.


On the 4th of May 2024 we visited all our sick members as well  as all other sick people in the village. We had time of sharing the gospel with them as well as having time of prayers. Many of them whom we visited expressed their gratitude thanks for the visit.


I preached three Sundays and taught adults Bible class for two Sundays. While brother Zumbika preached one Sunday and taught adults Bible class two Sundays. Our average attendance for Sunday worship service for the entire month of May was 25. Our contribution averaged 35 USD.


  • Please pray for our struggling church members. Many do not have food to eat in their homes.
  • Pray also for our mission work my family.
  • Continue also praying for the need of transport for the mission work.
    At times I fail to reach some places due to lack of transport. When there is a funeral in the village for our è sometimes I reach the place late because I may travel about 6km on foot and the people will be waiting for me to conduct the funeral service. On the 23rd of May, 2024 I visited a sick member after he phoned me. I traveled close to 8 km to reach his place on foot. We had to find a scoshcart to take him to clinic.

Above all I just want to thank you all for the financial support and prayers for the water project. We are really so much glad as well as the entire village community.

May the Lord bless you all.

The servant of God.

Nhamo Mumba