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In the book of Judges there are 2 phrases that we see repeated: “And the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.” (Judges 3:7, 12, 4:1, 6:1, 10:6, 13:1), “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” (Judges 17:6, 21:25). These two phrases tell us almost everything we need to know about the time of the judges. It was a time of evil, yet people thought that their evil ways were right and just.

Sound familiar?

As we look at the book of Judges, we will see a world that, technologically, is VERY different from our world, but morally, is not too different. We currently live in a culture and society where people say things like “You do you” which essentially means “do what you think is right”. We live in a culture and society that says that what God loves is Evil and what God hates is good. Remember what Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 1:9 “There is nothing new under the sun”? He was right! Our world has changed technologically, but our culture and society is just as morally bankrupt as the Israelites were over 3,000 years ago. At that time God chose some of His people to rise up and bring His back to him. I can’t help but wonder: Who will God use in our generation to bring His people back to Him?