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Grace mercy and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. 

September recorded low temperatures with a plenty of sunshine from the beginning until the end of the month. I attended the payment of lobola of my brother’s daughter. The first and second week l got a serious headache. The third week l went to see two families who were not feeling well. The final week l attended and preached at Chinyamanhanzva Church of Christ. 

The National men's fellowship ended the 1st day of the month at Mutare school of preaching as the church was well attended together with the ladies and children. In the afternoon together with my wife, my mother, and her sister Christine we gathered in Dangamvura where my brother stayed to witness the payment of a bride price of 800 USD. Patience aged 23 got married to Tanaka Chipunza aged 26.He accompanied four of his relatives to do the proceedings and brought some groceries worthy 300 USD. The normal total lobola is 6000 USD and the money is not needed in full unless when it is available, the money can be paid when you got it no specific period is set.

I got a severe headache the 5th,the temperature was too high about 39.6 degrees Celsius (103 Fahrenheit), the clinic helped me a lot. All the medication I received was completed. What matters most when I was sick was on the 6th, in the middle of the night, a 3m big spitting cobra snake came at our house and my dog Spot was bitten at the mouth. l saw it outside of the house through the window thinking that it will go but the head was between its ring (editors note: the snake was coiled and possibly ready to strike). I went out and stone it at 6m distance and it was broken into pieces and died. In the morning l noticed my dog was damaged. l asked others to help and used Muroro roots to control the poison. l used it three times and the dog was back to its normal state but the unborn puppies perished. 

Sister Chadzingwa and grandmother Kanyimo weren't feeling well during the time l was sick. There was nothing could do. My feet weren't strong to move. l was happy to see their messages asking about my condition. When my health was fine I visited them on the 25th. They were so particular and happy to see me at their home. We shared the experiences and prayed. It was a great pleasure and they appreciated the moments we shared.

On the 27th in the morning l received a message from brother Chikono a preacher at Chinyamanhanzva Church of Christ to preach on the 28th in the morning. The one l replaced, Br. Zimwasha, gave an excuse at the last minute. I quickly prepared my outline on the subject, The Lord looks at the heart 1 Sam 16:7. l did a wonderful work as people appreciated a lot. We were 9 preachers who did the work everything was perfectly done. Together with my wife we gave a bucket full of tomatoes as our assistance. The preacher thanked us a lot since there was none. l wondered why Church members from Bazel did not follow but the distance was not much about 20km North of Bazel only Bro Zvikomborero and my wife and family attended. I asked them as they give excuses, but the reason was, they are giving a drought problem when they can afford a fellowship. 300 people attended and the giving was 72 USD.

Our little garden produced a good yield of tomatoes, the supply was high and that forced the prices to go down. Our target after harvest was buying 3 rolls of wire to protect it but l managed only one roll which cost 60 dollars. It is 200mm wire thickness and 1.5m high. The total rolls needed is 6 rolls so we will do little by little. l will do the labor myself along with the one who is helping me. I bought 10 kg of beans to be planted after the tomatoes. Fence helps to avoid fire as our thorns attract fire when someone tampered with it. Cattle will not break it easily either. The water is plenty and the pump is performing very well. l am very careful in changing and checking the oil. The garden is helping us  a lot with vegetables, tomatoes, and onions as we save our money. The church members are learning a lot as l shared my tomatoes  and  experiences with them, especially sister Mandianike and grandmother Gwizo, church widows. l am helping them a lot with my garden. 

The beginning of the year we put our hands together completing a ring beam. To come again to reach the next stage was so challenging but next year we'll try our best to work towards the church building. l will be happy together with the church members when our church is finished. We pray for good rains this year. Drought is not good and there was no development at all. Each time we'll concentrate on food to eat. 


Date Mushunje Bazel
  Att Giving Att Giving
1 6 1 24 2
8 4 0 45 6
15 3 1 38 5
22 5 1 52 8


I want to thank you brethren for your support you gave us as a family and the church at large. God bless you all. 

Yours in Christ 

Simbarashe Gondo