SERIES BEGINS: Sunday, December 12, 2021 – 10:30 a.m.
Isaiah reminds one of the BIBLE. There are 66 books in the Bible and there are 66 chapters in Isaiah. The Bible is divided between the Old Testament and New Testament. There are 39 books in the Old, and 27 books in the New. Isaiah is also divided in two. The first 39 chapters are about judgement and hope with an emphasis on judgement. The last 27 chapters are also on judgement and hope with an emphasis on hope. In between the two halves is the exile to Babylon.
Isaiah speaks of judgement and calls for repentance. But there’s more. He talks about the future. He proclaims the gospel, the good news. God is going to do something new (43:19)! He tells about the coming Messiah and the coming of God’s kingdom. That’s why he’s quoted more times in the New Testament than any other prophet. He gives us so many details that he sounds more like a New Testament writer than an Old Testament prophet.
Isaiah is a great encouragement. One of my favorite works of music is Handel’s Messiah. Although it was written with the resurrection in mind, it is perennially heard throughout this holiday season. In each full performance of the Messiah, more than 20 verses from Isaiah are sung, making it the most common source for Handel’s masterpiece. Please join us in the coming weeks as we look at the highlights from this prophet and talk about the gospel according to Isaiah.