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Ron Writes

In Galatians 3 Paul wrote "For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ" (3:27). The Bible is filled with metaphors. Figures of speech that help us understand the meaning by offering us a word picture. I like this one since it's easy to understand. I know the concept of clothing. It covers me, hides me, protects me, etc. When I'm baptized, I put on Christ like I would put on clothes. 

Paul writes in Col. 3:3, "For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God." The death he's referring to is the death that takes place in baptism. Note the emphasis on death when Paul speaks about baptism in Rom. 6:1-11. We have died with Christ in baptism. Our lives are now hidden (clothed) with Christ. 

Sometimes we speak of "imputed righteousness". I'm a sinner saved by grace. I don't have a righteousness of my own, but Christ's righteousness has been imputed to me (Phil 3:9; 2 Cor. 5:21). Part of the benefit and blessing of putting Christ on like clothing is that he is righteous. You don't see me; you see my clothes. Spiritually speaking God no longer sees me, the sinner, but Christ who is righteous. "There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 8:1). When God sees me, I'm no longer condemned because He no longer sees me, but Christ who has clothed and covered me. 

Not only does clothing cover us, but it also protects us. Don’t go into a storm without the right clothes. Moses wanted to see God. God allowed it but covered him with His hand thus protecting him. God protects me by allowing me to be covered by Christ. 

Is a person what he wears? In this case he should be. If you are wearing the clothes of a construction worker, then you should build things. If you are wearing the clothes of a police officer, then you should serve and protect. If you are wearing the clothes of a fireman - You get the idea. - If you are wearing Christ, then you should live like Him.