Grace mercy and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

The whole month of April I was very busy, the school break was on the 31st of March till the 8th May. The first week we were harvesting, moving to Chimanimani to prepare for the fellowship. The second week we did personal evangelism, and we attended funeral at Derembwe church of Christ. I proceeded to Honde Valley to witness the burial of sister Miriam Chimhungwe a wife of my former principal at Mutare school of preaching. Sister Gamunorwa was added to the Lord's church. The third week church members at Bazel transplanted tomatoes at the church site. We visited Br Musasira who was seriously ill. The fourth week, I attended funeral of a member at Derembwe church. We held our second gospel meeting at Chimanimani. Br Nhamo Mumba lost his dear wife the 30th of the month may her soul rest in eternal peace.

The first term my children did not sit for exams, the whole school did the same. Next term they will sit down and write. Together with my wife and kids we all worked very hard in the field of maize and cowpeas. On the 8th, 5 members representing Manicaland gospel meeting met at Ngangu in Chimanimani including Br Jana, Chitendeni, Kamutambo, Magadaire and I. In the meeting we included Br Mambeu a preacher there and his committee members attended too, we finalize everything. Br Mumba send me a message that he was not going to participate due to his wife's health and we replaced him with Br Chikuni from Sharara church of Christ in Makoni district. Every movement we did was our own expenses. The out going committee members did not have any record for the past 10 years of leading the gospel gathering not even a single cent was left.

My wife is helping me a lot during her school break we moved together doing personal evangelism, we strengthen the church members, of all the backsliding I lost one family. I managed to return ten families who backsliding. We visited the following families, Chiwedere, Kuwaza, Mapindu Masere and Chin'ono.

On the 10th together with my wife we visited two police officers Br and sister Buzuzi at Bambazonge camp 30km south of Bazel. We spent $10 on our transport. I thank them as they traveled every Sunday regardless of the distance. They provided us with some basic foods. They welcomed us and invited others to come and listen to the word I expounded. 15 people attended as they encouraged us to come again.

On the 14th sister Kuwaza, Mandianike, Mukahanana and my wife we sailed to Derembwe on foot to witness the burial of Br Gilbert Ngwarati aged 43 years. He died after a short illness and left a wife with three daughters. Preachers who attended were, Br Tiani, Mafusire the resident preacher and Marunga who preached. I song lead. The same day on the sunset I proceeded to town to meet three preachers who waited for me to travel to Honde Valley, Br Kamutambo, Mazenza and Phiri. We used Br Mazenza's car as we contributed each $10 for transport. We arrived at Tambarara village which is 110 km we slept the whole night singing only the four of us including Br Matekenya, Dube, Phiri and I  sang until our voices disappeared.

Sister Miriam Chimhungwe died on the 9th March in Canada after a pancreatic cancer as she survived with a husband and a daughter Kudzai aged 27 and a son Kundai aged 12. People who attended were 1500 and 70 preachers. The speeches were so touching especially the kids left it is hard to loose a dear mother.

On the 16th sister Gamunorwa came to church after a long time teaching her and convincing her to be added into the Lord's church I was happy to see her as she confessed to be baptized, I was teaching her husband too only  time is limited to be in Bazel since he worked away. We wish to baptize the husband too.

On the 17th, 10 families at Bazel came to work at the church site as we first prepared the land and transplant tomatoes. The holes we dug were 560 as we planted two plants per hole. We spent the whole day working at the church as we ate the lunch together people were tired but we encouraged them to complete the work. We used borehole water but the challenge lies back on the power needed to pump water I discovered a stream nearby as we dug a well it is helping us a lot without much energy, the solar pump is good to use but a petrol pump is faster as you do other work than spending the whole day watering using a solar pump.

On the 19th together with sister Mandianike and my wife we boarded a car to see Br Musasira who was seriously ill in Sithole area at Muzhizhi homestead. Br Musasira is a member at Chitakatira church of Christ and came to stay with a relative. He had a kidney problem at one time. I dressed him since he was staying with ladies, they were in jovial mood to see my presence. He could not woke up on his own, we helped him with $15 as I prayed. They were very excited about the love we showed. Now he is recovering well.

On the 27th I attended burial of sister Muchaneta Nyamukondiwa who was involved in a fatal accident her three children were in the hospital. The place she was buried was in Munyarari 7 km north of Bazel. The money was contributed at the funeral after a message was told that the kids needed our help I gave my support. It was bad.

The church at Bazel failed to attend the Manicaland gospel meeting only sister Mandianike and my wife attended due to the difficulty life we are going through. We worked hard as a committee. I was in trusted with keys for a food room, the attendance was 375 everyone was happy with the stay. We called for an election as our 3 year term expired but the whole multitude refused and gave us another two year term we agreed. The total giving on Sunday was $280. I thank God for the power he gave me to sing good songs of praise people were happy with the singing. The next Manicaland meeting for next year will be at Chitakatira church of Christ.

Date Mushunje Bazel
  Att Giving Att Giving
2 4 1 35 5
9 7 2 39 6
16 3 1 44 7
23 5 1 52 6
30 2   4 1

As you can see when the preacher is not present people do not value the Lord's day I announced to the church members who failed to attend the Manicaland gospel fellowship to come to church but they did not harken to my voice. What I want to thank them is that they come on a Saturday to water the church garden.

In memory of sister Ester Mumba may her soul rest in peace as she was called home on the first day of the week. I want to thank to you for your support God bless you all. 

Yours ln Christ 

Simbarashe Gondo 
