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 Ron Writes

After the apostles are threatened and warned to never speak in the name of Jesus again – they prayed (Acts 4:23-31). You’d think that the prayer would be “please do something about the Sanhedrin.” Or “give us supportive leaders.” Or “keep us from beatings and out of prison.” But the prayer was “grant us to speak Your word with boldness.” They didn’t ask God to stop the persecution, but to give them boldness. 
That’s a difficult prayer to pray. It’s a challenge to pray like this. Not to ask God to rid you of problems and troubles, but to give you courage and confidence. Some are struggling, hurting, suffering and there doesn’t seem to be any relief in sight. What if – this is as good as it gets? No healing. No relief. No reconciliation. You need strength and boldness. You need to trust in God. They were not asking to escape from difficulty, but for strength in the difficulty. It can be a challenge to not ask God to stop the storm, but to get you through the rain.
A hymn by Love Whitcomb Willis that we have sung for years must have been inspired by Acts 4. The first verse “Father, hear the prayer we offer: Nor for ease that prayer shall be, But for strength that we may ever – Live our lives courageously.” It’s a prayer of submission. May we submit to God-allowed circumstances.
The irony of the apostles’ prayer is that more boldness to speak would lead to more persecution. In response to being threatened and warned to stop preaching, their request is brief and simple – Lord, give us boldness to speak Your word. To tell it all. Persecution will never stop. “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Tim. 3:12).
May God give is the strength to live courageously for Him!