Dear Brethren.

Christian greetings to you all in Jesus’ name. I hope this report finds you all well. August was one of the busiest months where we witnessed many events that included: youth annual lectureship, and the women’s and men’s annual lectureship. Above all we just thank God for guidance and protection.                                            


On the first week of August we visited Chupunza village for door to door knocking. I was accompanied by my son Prosper and other two youths. We had a wonderful time as we shared the gospel with the people in that village. We look forward to revisit all our new prospects by the end of September


On the second and third week of August 2024 I visited Nyazura farm prison. I had an opportunity to tour their garden as well as their piggery project. I also had an opportunity to share the gospel both to the inmates as well as to the staff. Pray that the Lord will open the hearts of the inmates as we continue preaching the gospel to them


As at the mid of August, 2024 we had 3 souls who accepted the Lordship of Jesus Christ. My son Prosper was among the three youths who were baptized. Pray that they may remain faithful till His second coming


We are looking forward to plant more fruits tree in our small church yard.


May you please continue to pray for me and my family brethren. We are still struggling. As I write this, we are just housed in a small two roomed house with my grown up children.


We are so thankful brethren for the borehole. We are currently facing a terrible situation of water crisis in our country. Our borehole is helping both the people and the cattle.  Without it the people could have been experiencing a  hard time. In some parts of the country many animals are dying due to water crisis.


I am happy to inform you that the church has managed to raise 500 dollars through our 1-dollar fund project. We are looking forward to renovating our one  roomed house at the church. We use this room as a storeroom where we stock our church benches and other items


I preached three Sundays and taught adults Bible class for two Sundays. Brother Zumbika preached once, and brother Zvinzveku taught adults Bible class for two Sundays. Our average Sunday’s attendance for the whole month was 23 to 27. Our giving was slightly low throughout the whole month.


  • Pray for my kids as the school opens tomorrow for their third term.
  • Pray also for our mission work need for the transport as we move from one point to another. At times we walk long distances on foot.
  • Pray for our struggling church members.

Above all thank you so much for our unwavering financial support as well as prayers.

Your brother in Christ. Nhamo Mumba