Grace mercy and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

December was a very busy month, we experienced a heat wave, the temperatures were very high up to 45 degrees Celsius (113 F). Our daughter Laura scored better results on her final primary education; we attended a big Sunday fellowship at my home congregation. The third week we continued with personal evangelism. We faced an unexpected misbehavior of youth with our neighboring church. On the fourth week we attended two funerals. Together with my wife we were invited to preach in Penhalonga. Together with my family we appreciate the support we received for the first quarter of 2025.

I sold my little puppy to Mrs Tauya, a clerk at St Augustine High. That builds our friendship. She helped me find a place for my daughter. The school is on demand here in Mutare because of the good results produced. Together with my wife we were pleased with Laura's results as she scored 12 units out of 54 units. 35 and below is pass 36 and above is fail. We managed a boarding school because of our daughter's effort and we want her to achieve a better achievement in life. I paid the fees on the 3rd day of the month. The start-up fee was $1900. We borrowed $800 from my wife's cousin Dazy Harare to secure our daughter's place since the school is in high demand. Next term it will be reduced to $650. Laura is a science student and we pray for her discipline and concentration, good things are ahead in her life. Leal did very well in all his subjects as he's going to grade 2. Lowell improved this time and he is going to grade 5. My wife worked hard in her class, the student who excelled most was in her class with 9 units.

Together with my wife we visited five families including Mandianike, Masere, Chadzingwa, Chidzikwe and Chitsiku. Sister Mandianike is having some challenges of high blood pressure and sugar diabetes each time she felt fatigue, we prayed together and she stayed 200m from our house. Sister Masere was affected by polio, and she struggled to move to church as we visited her constantly. The church managed to give us a grocery of $20 on Christmas we were so thankful for their efforts. I am thinking more ways they do to support a preacher. 

On the 8th the 30 members at Bazel footed 20 km to and from Maruru church of Christ for a big Sunday fellowship. We had a good service. Bro Matiza a preacher at Adda Transal in Grandleaf near Odzi preached and l was the song leader. This is the congregation that taught me to sing and preach. Three hundred people attended and the giving was $68.

We appreciate the purchase of chairs for Manicaland Gospel meeting, we raised the money especially when people hire our tent. Together with Br Chitendeni we helped each other in pitching it this month it was hired twice and the total amount was $300.

We had a problem with ZAOGA church youth, they were instructed by an elder to climb up the gate when it was locked around 7 pm to fetch water for use at their all night prayer. The news was spread by someone who saw what was happening to sister Kuwaza who resides 300m from the church site, she caught them on spot. lt was a serious offence here ,we discussed with the church on the 15th as we forgive them but we agreed to lock our borehole in the night no more fetching of water in the night. The church assigned these youth to fix what they destroyed but no action was done which means the whole church is stubborn and  want to use other churches assets. Years back they used our toilet without permission. This church failed to comply with us when they refused to pay $10 for the whole year for borehole repair. We do not have problems with the community they're paying their $2 for the whole year. Next year, 2025 the church agreed to rise the amount to $5 per home for the whole year and churches around will pay $15 for borehole repairs. The water we allowed them to fetch is only for drinking not molding bricks or building purposes. 

On the 22nd together with my wife we went to Tsvingwe church of Christ in Penhalonga, a km and half away to Laura's new school to preach. No church members from Bazel came with us since the transporters charge exorbitant prices when approaching Christmas. I preached about, “What shall a men give in exchange of his soul?” Matthew 16:26-7. People really appreciated for a good preaching and a well-researched sermon, we were 175 and the giving was not announced. 

On the 23rd I went to Nyanyadzi 80km East of Bazel to pitch the tent for sister Gwinya Stambile who passed away 20th of this month. Doctor Chimhungwe, my former principal preached on the 24th for burial. Bro Mukoyi was the song leader. The late sister Gwinya was a wife of a preacher who worked as a lecturer at Mutare school of preaching and worked in full time ministry at Chakohwa, Hotsprings and Chipinge church of Christ. The time l was a second year student at Mutare school of preaching bro Gwinya was sponsoring Bro Shumba and me to work at Hotsprings during weekends and holidays the whole year of 2007. During the time we started as Manicaland committee, Bro Gwinya was the chairperson. May her soul rest in the eternal peace. Mr Magodo a man who always helped me at our house some work lost a brother's daughter she was 8 months old, together with my wife we attended the burial on the 27th. 

On the 31st we gathered the whole night prayer with the church members at Bazel at our church. We were very few, about 10 since the sky was cloudy and people were afraid for the rain. The spirit of the Lord was among us as we sang and prayed. I preached for 2 hours and people were very active. Thank God we are alive. 

I want to send a message of condolences to Reynolds and Ruth Ann’s family and the church at large for the loss of sister Ruth Ann who pass on Thursday 19th Dec at 3:30pm. May the Almighty God comfort you for the loss.

I want to thank you brethren for the support l received for Jan to Mar 2025. May the Almighty God bless you all. 

Date Mushunje Bazel
  Att Giving Att Giving
01 3 1 58 6
08 4 2    
15 3 0 49 7
22 5 1 15 3
29 3 0 42 5


My heart is in pain looking at Mushunje church of Christ. Transport is a challenge to reach there. I wanted to send a Bible student at a college who can occupy the place but nothing was achieved. For me to be happy l want to see the work at Mushunje to continue. 

Yours in Christ 

Simbarashe Gondo