Grace mercy and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
We want to thank God for the protection we enjoy all the days of our lives, we are so thankful for the rains we received the second week until the end of the month. The first week we prayed for sister Mandianike's son to be transformed. My life was in danger. The second week the church at Bazel attended Mupudzi fellowship, the Manicaland Gospel team held a meeting in Makoni District. The third week together with my wife we visited Laura, our daughter. I attended a burial in Bazel, the final week I attended burial at sister Chinzvende's home.
Sister Mandianike's third born son Agripah rejected school when he was grade 3 about 9 years of age. Now he is 35 years old and survived through illegal diamonds and gold mining. He is abusing drugs. My challenge with him was stealing my green maize and sugar cane in my garden. I told his mother to take action, but she was eating my maize together with her son. The first week of Feb I initiated praying with her the whole week in church from 4pm to 6pm. Agripah continued to be used by the devil when he opened my gate to allow cattle to eat green maize fortunately nothing happened. I informed the village head to help me and solve my problem. The village head exaggerated my words to him and sister Mandianike was sent by her son to extort $15 USD from me and promised to destroy my field and property if I failed to comply. On the 25th he came in the afternoon with an axe and threatened to kill me, he went to the garden to burn it. Fortunately, it was wet. A neighbor, Mr. Mukwena, saw him and stopped the fire. He advised him not to solve issues that way. At 5pm he came to my house to attack me with stones after he tried to destroy the windows, the dogs fought him. He threw 10 big stones on my head, but the Lord protected me. After failing to kill me, the next morning he went into the garden to destroy 0.25 hectares of green maize and brought 100 kg of green maize mocking me to eat them for breakfast and promised to return in the afternoon with some more green maize. Police delayed coming but arrested him at 12 noon. On the 27th he was released to community service at Mwandiambira school for 30 days. On February 22nd, 2006, a rock fell from the mountain when I was in my first year at Mutare school of preaching, I was nearly destroyed by a 500kg rock as it hit 15cm where my head was. This year I was attacked the same month again, remember me in your prayers, brethren.
The second week I was doing personal evangelism. I visited Mapindu, Chinzvende and Chidzikwe, and we prayed together. On the 9th together with sister Chiwedere, Kuwaza, my wife and family we attended Mupudzi fellowship, $4 was the amount for transport but many people did not attend due to some challenges. We had a good time and Bro Mlambo a preacher in Hwedza preached about the problem of Esau’s marriage of foreign wives. Br Mukoyi song led, and Br Phiri was at the Lord's table. He came all the way from Murehwa. People who attended were 150 and the giving was $45.
On the 15th the Manicaland Gospel team including Br Kamutambo, Magadaire, Jana, Chitendeni, sister Mbofana and I held meeting in Rusape at Vhengere Church site. We met with Makoni District. Representatives including Br Mumba were present. At the end of April we will hold our meeting at Tsindi Secondary school, we discussed issues concerning a beast, mealie meal, firewood, etc. The district was more organized than other districts; after meeting we ate lunch together.
On the 22nd together with my wife we visited Laura together at her school, the school allowed parents to visit their children once per term, my daughter is performing well in all her subject areas, she's doing French also, she was losing her weight because of pressure at school, I am happy because she is serving her food when we parted she cried for her mother, I was away from them I laughed at her.
On the 25th I attended burial of Mrs. Muparutsa a health worker in our village, it was a sudden death when she was not sick. She was a member of Divine Connection International church. I was asked to offer a prayer; people who attended were 650. After I left to my respective home, sister Mandianike's son visited me and threatened to kill me if I failed to give him $15. If I accepted it, I would be a servant and each time he needs money he will threaten me. This man is a real temptation I never initiated it before.
On the 28th I attended a funeral at sister Chinzvende's homestead. She lost a daughter in law, a female pastor at Zaoga Church. People who attended were 700. Some people came from as far as Harare, our capital city.
I had a conversation with Br Chirapa, a graduate at Mutare school of preaching, he is looking for a congregation to work with. I told him about Mushunje place and is interested to work with the congregation. I went on discussing more about his welfare he openly told me that nothing is there to put on his table, Mushunje church is in my mind, my prayer is to see a full-time preacher helping the congregation. I am happy Mupudzi had a full-time preacher and was in my prayers.
I want to thank you brethren for your continued support by the Almighty God bless you all.
Yours ln Christ
Simbarashe Gondo
Date | Mushunje | Bazel | ||
Att | Giving | Att | Giving | |
02 | 4 | 1 | 34 | 4 |
09 | 3 | 0 | ||
16 | 4 | 1 | 42 | 6 |
23 | 2 | 0 | 33 | 5 |