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Anil conducted several Seed of Truth Discipleship Multiplication training sessions in July. They were well attended by preachers from the surrounding area.


In addition to reinforcing the teaching of sound Biblical doctrine, Anil had attendees practice the effective use of white boards and Streamyard - a video streaming service similar to Zoom.


In mid-July, Anil traveled to meet with Next Generation Ministries to discuss post-covid mission efforts & opportunities for evangelism.

On the way home he had a close call. Here is his description of what happened:


“Yesterday it happened to me while moved with regular Evangelism mood at the meeting Venue, Annavaram which is a Hindu Religious Sacred Place. I saw few people on the Railway platform sitting and felt of giving them WBS tracts to encourage them to study Word of God. Almost reached them with handful tracts and my spirit hooked and dragged me back saying Hey Anil where are you now. I halted a while and recalled that I'm on a Hindu Platform and came back. Observed some Temple auto drivers starring at me. Wooooo. I shared with the hosting preacher who came to receive me to the Railway Station and he was almost shocked if I gave the tracts to them. He felt comfortable after hearing No from me. If I did that I would have been on Indian News Channel by this time viralled upto the Antichristian Government Prime Minister as a Sensational Antireligious Man of India. Praise God if He saved me and I appeal Gods Pardon if I missed the opportunity of Giving them Jesus. Thankyou all as I'm surrounded with your prayers.”


July 18, marked the one year anniversary of the death of Baby’s father. As is the custom in India, they commemorated his death with a memorial. During his memorial they fed 350 of the poor and sent food packets to the starving. They also presented condolence clothes to the extended family members.



On July 21 Anil and Baby were visited by the two children who stayed with them last year while their parents were recovering from COVID.  Anil wrote:


"Hope you all remember the two cute girls who stayed with us for a month when their parents got infected. Yesterday it happened for me to meet them again in anniversary meeting. The small kid Joy rush towards me as soon as she saw me and my wife. I asked her how are they doing. She answered me with her sizzling vibrant voice "I AM PRAYING FOR YOU AND BIGMOM" she was asking God said her dad "GOD REDUCE SUGAR FROM BIGDADDY, DONT WANT EVEN LITTLE". Praise God they learnt to know asking God in our absence and their parents are happy......How sweet she touched our hearts. I don't know how many if these like little children from our local congregation and from Oregon City but sure they pray. Love you all children. I can't go a step with the cross without your Prayers."



The youth group is continuing to participate in leadership classes and learning to be, “Different, like Jesus.” One of their number, Bhanush, recently broke his leg and the rest of the group visited him to offer comfort and prayers. Praise God for their caring hearts!