I greet you brothers and sisters in Jesus name. I hope this report finds you all in good health.

I am happy giving you a summary report for the work done in the month of May, 2021.

  • BAPTISM – I am very happy to inform that three of our prospects were baptized last Sunday. These are Lawrence 18 and Walter 29 and Nyasha 20 all are male. Pray that these newly baptized may grow spiritual and be fruitful in the Lord’s vineyard.
  • DOOR TO DOOR KNOCKING - The first week of May, my wife and I were busy doing door to door knocking and setting up and conducting Bible studies with people. In the third week we continued to do follow up work with contacts made in the first week. We also continued to knock doors.
  • MIDWEEK WORSHIP - We met throughout the whole month for our midweek worship. We usually make some rotations in the homes of our members. The attendance was bit low in the first two weeks as many of our members live from far places.
  • BIBLE STUDY - We met four times for Bible study. We are currently studying the book of Acts 8. At the end of each study everyone is expected to withdraw up two or more lessons. This is helping us a lot.
  • CURRENT SITUATION IN ZIMBABWE - We thank our God that the Covid-19 cases has significantly dropped very well. The number of deaths per month could range at 2. We thank our government which is also working so hard to make sure that people get vaccinated.


  • Please do pray for our brother Adam who is battling with cancer. His tumor growth is giving sleepless nights. Currently he is also struggling to find money for chemotherapy.
  • Continue to pray for us and the work.

Lastly brethren i want to thank you for your continued prayers, encouragement and for your support help that keeps our work alive. There is still much that we want to do and many challenges yet to face. Meeting these challenges is frequently at financial cost, as are all effective work of the Lord. But we are confident that our God shall supply all our need to accomplish His will through good people like you.

Your brother.

Nhamo Mumba