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Grace mercy and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

May started the winter season. The days are short with long nights. In the mornings and nights we experienced much cold but during the day the sky is ever blue. The first week l helped my neighbour's daughter who was critically ill. The second week, together with the church members, we spent our time in the garden. The third week one soul was added to the Lord's church. I visited two kids in Bazel who were not feeling well. On. I attended funerals two consecutive days. The first, of my neighbour's daughter and the second, of Mr Chinogara, in Gutu and Bazel respectively. 

In the morning l went together with my wife to the church site. It is along the way to Mwandiambira school. After my prayer session on my way home l met with Ngonidzaishe Mapfumo who was 7 and critically ill but the mother allowed her to attend school. I quickly informed the Father and I returned together with the girl aged 8. She was admitted to the hospital in Mutare and transferred to Harare the problem was platelets and more white cells produced. Day and night l was praying for the child. The father is a policeman and he ask for mercy. We stayed with his two boys who are 6 and 2 years. It was a hard time we spent. I wanted the child to survive but God called her home after we struggled praying for her life. 

The church members are confident enough to do the work especially with the new ideas we come up with. People are serious about gardening now. Last year people were not participating much because others benefited without working. That's why we decided to make a family to occupies their space and plant as many vegetables they want. The families who accept to plant vegetables are Chiwedere, Mashayamombe, Mandianike, Chitakatira, Chidzikwe, Kuwaza and my family. Our tomatoes are on the flowering stage. Vegetables are available but mealie meal is a challenge to all. This year it is a challenge but by God's grace we will survive. 

Takudzwa Zhlakama aged 22 years a young man was added to the Lord's church the third week. I was encouraging him to attend church services each time l met him and l taught him four lessons. l was happy when told me that he needs to follow the Lord's church. In church he is helping us a lot, carrying chairs to and from my home. 

The Antichrist have tarnished their image. In Bazel they were infatuated with girls and prostitutes. I had an opportunity of meeting one of their followers who requested to ask the difference as l enlightened him that the difference is that they do not attended Bible school, they love money, ladies and have a lack of knowledge. They had a fatal accident and a car was destroyed beyond recognition. They shifted their work to Buhera. In Bazel they messed up the work. People asked me if we had a common ground, but l refused them knowing exactly that they are troublemakers.

The third week l visited Ashley Saungweme aged 7. She was seriously ill and her mother came to our home. l felt pity as l followed them to their home and prayed for her. The next day they passed our house and l invited them in the house. l prayed and thank God she recovered instantly. I visited Tinotenda Makaza aged 13 who was struck down by a car when he was going to school, the Father was happy to see me at their home as l prayed now he is doing fine. I tried to be good even though they are not church members these opportunities will result in the new converts. 

The fourth week l attended the funeral of Ngonidzaishe Mapfumo. She was buried in Gutu,  350km away. l accompanied my wife. I was given the opportunity to speak as a child's minister. I was highly honoured by the Gutu people and they thanked me with all the efforts I did to protect the child both spiritual and physical. I tried all my efforts but when God calls no one can stop him. I cried for this child. She's of the same age with my son Lowell. l felt the same pain with my son. What pierces most is to lose a child. We expect them to grow and live their life. On the 19th l attended the funeral of Mr Chinogara aged 65 who was knocked down by a car when he was riding a bicycle. He died on the spot.  Ladies at Bazel attended their fellowship at Chinyamanhanzva Church of Christ on the 18th. Unfortunately my wife was with me at Gutu but 3 ladies from Bazel Bridge attended. Sisters Mandianike, Mutsoni and Kuwaza attended. Others did not due to insufficient funds. 

May giving:

Date Mushunje Bazel
  Att Giving Att Giving
5 4 1 48 5
12 6 2 33 4
19 5 1 46 6
26 3 1 40 7

I want to thank you for the well and fencing project you gave brother Mumba. Thank you for the unending love l want to appreciate your support may God bless you all. 

Yours in Christ 

Simbarashe Gondo