Grace mercy and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. 

The year's winter season exceeded years ago. June was very cold this year the maximum and minimum temperatures were 12', 5'C respectively. The beginning of the month schools break. The first week l went to town to collect the chicks for the two groups. The second week l was doing personal evangelism. The third week we were fortunate to receive Samaritan purses for the kids. The fourth week l attended funeral of an old businessman from the royal family. Finally we extended our gratitude for the support we received the end of the month for July Aug and Sept. 

The first day of the month l went to town to collect the chicks for the two groups. The church members are very excited about the project since their time is not wasted in nothing. The other two remaining groups are eager and waiting patiently for their time to come and they see it working as we are in the second round. Our challenge so far are buyers when the chicken is ready and to buy extra feeds since we do not have electricity to store them in the fridge. The strategy so far is that we agreed each church member to buy a chicken to promote the project. I am benefiting a lot in this project as most of my fertilizers are from the project especially dried. I planted potatoes in bags, tomatoes, rape, onion, carrots, peas and vegetables. Together with my family we are struggling for the project our profit is not much but we are managing. 

After the school break on the 4th together with my wife we did our personal evangelism. We managed to teach six people but two people accepted our teaching sisters Gambe and Masunungure. They are residents in Bazel community. They were members of the Evangelical church and the assembly dissolved as members are scattered away like sheep without a shepherd. l have five family members who followed the group because of instruments. This month l am happy that sisters Mukahanana and Pfumbirai returned back to the true church. My task is to follow sisters Kuwaza and Mapindu to come back. 

The lock down restrictions was announced the third week as the new cases were raising everyday. The church send three representatives sisters Mandianike, Chiwedere and l to collect some gifts for the kids. We collected them on the 17th and distributed on Sunday at our house as we gathered for a service. It's not the first time to distribute these purses. Two teachers are doing a great job in teaching the kids every Sunday and Saturdays. Sometimes church members left kids behind during services but we encourage to bring them always, kids who received their boxes were 45. 

I attended funeral of Mr. Rishon Masiyakurima aged 88 a local businessman who owned a butcher. He was a member of the Methodist church and the royal chiefhood. I climbed up to the mountain 200m high where he was laid to rest in a curve, people were more than a thousand. This honor is for the royal family not any one. Village people appreciated my present as l saw most of our church members there. 

The end of the month together with my wife we went to town to collect the support for July Aug and Sept. We want to thank you brothers and sisters for your care and love may God bless you all. 

June Attendance and Giving

June 2021 Attendance

Yours ln Christ 

Simbarashe Gondo