Last weekend I took a few of our teens to the Eugene Youth Rally. The Theme for the weekend was “One Mind in Prayer”. The entire weekend was focused on prayer. We spent a little time learning about prayer and spent a LOT of time in prayer.
We prayed for ourselves, each other, our world, our nation, our communities, our churches, our friends, and our families. We spent time in silent prayer, praying out loud, and prayer journaling. We stood up to pray, we sat down to pray, we even got on our knees to pray.
One thing that struck me over the weekend was how different prayer can be. Prayer does not always look the same or sound the same. There are different types of prayer and there are different methods of prayer. Some people really enjoy prayer journaling, I do not! And that’s ok because we are all created by God to be different. Just because I enjoy one method of prayer does not mean that everyone must enjoy that method.
The important thing is that we all take time to pray. In the most basic sense prayer is how we communicate with God and even though God knows what we need before we ask (Matthew 6:8), He still wants us to ask and to let our needs be known to Him through prayer.
Prayer is POWERFUL (James 5:16) and God does amazing things when we pray. You might notice that over the last few weeks our prayer list has gotten shorter. PRAISE GOD! He is answering our prayers and He will continue to do so because He loves us and He is faithful.
Take some time to pray!