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Dear Brethren,

Greetings to you all in Jesus’ name. Hope this report finds you all in good health. The month of September has been one of the difficult months as we witnessed lots of challenges as a family. But above all we thank God for helping us to sail through. 


On the first two weeks of September, 2024 we had been busy doing door to door knocking in Chipunza village. Chipunza village is one of the difficult villages because it is comprised of the sects group of churches which called (Vapositori) that means the apostles 

These people do not read Bibles during their church services. Pray that they will open their hearts to the gospel as we continue preaching to them the gospel of Christ.


On the 3rd week of September 2024 I visited Nyazura farm prison  twice. I taught 4 lessons to the inmates as well as to the prisoners officers. There are lots of prisoners who are interested to learn the Word of God. We have one of our church member who works there as a prisoner officer. Pray that the Lord will open the hearts of both the inmates as the prisoner officers.


We had two days of doing follow ups for all our new converts on the 3rd week of September 2024. We we're impressed to see that most of these converts were much interested to listen to the presentation of the Bible lessons which we did for them.


On the 19th of September 2024 Mr. Ndikudzei and his wife Susan were baptized. I took almost 5 months studying with them the word of God until they decided to be baptized. This couple used to go to Methodist church until they found the truth of the word of God. Pray that they will continue growing in their faith.


On the 4th week of September, I visited all our elderly sick members and those ones in the village community. Pray that the Lord will bring a total healing upon them all.


Brethren  we continue appealing for your prayers. We are currently facing an  accommodation challenge. Last week upon returning from attending my sister’s funeral, I arrived home and found my clothing has been put outside the house by my landlord. I was really so much disturbed with that event as well as my children. We want to thank one of our church members who quickly came to me and offered us a two bedroom with my children. We are there for just temporary until end of October 2024.Our wish and prayer as family is that we must have our own permanent accommodation. We are tired of renting and my kids are grown up need a decent rooms.


I preached three Sundays and taught adults Bible class once. Brother Paul Nyatsine preached one Sunday while brother Zumbika taught adult Bible class for three Sundays. Our average church attendance for the month of September was 25 .Our average Sundays collection was 30 USD.


  • Pray for our mission work.
  • Pray for most of our members and the struggle which they are facing especially food crisis due to the current drought situation.
  • Pray also for our struggling nation Zimbabwe.

Above all, I want to thank you all brethren for your unwavering financial support as well as your prayers. May the Lord bless you all.                                                         

Your brother in Christ.

Nhamo Mumba