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I spent this last week out at Camp Yamhill facilitating on the challenge course for a week of CYCOS (Camp Yamhill Christian Outdoor School). One of the literary devices we use on the challenge course is the 5-finger contract. Each finger represents one thing that is important for all participants to know and remember while we are on the course. We start with the Pinky finger and work our way towards the thumb.

  • The pinky represents Safety. As the pinky is the easiest finger to break, we need to remember that safety on the course is very important.
  • The Ring finger represents commitment. As this is the same finger, we put our wedding rings on we need to remember that while we are on the course, we need to be committed to what we are doing on the course. Which means we need to be present and focused on what we are doing.
  • The Middle finger represents respect. As this is a finger sometimes used to be disrespectful, we need to remember that on the course we need to be respectful to people on our team, and to 
    the facilitator.
  • The Pointer finger represents personal responsibility. We often use our pointer finger to cast blame on others, but on the course, we need to keep in mind that we need to be on task. Sometimes, our task means that we need to be helping others get through difficult portions of the course.
  • Finally, the Thumb represents encouragement. While on the course we do not allow negative talk, instead we are always trying to encourage each other. When someone falls, we encourage them to get back up and try again. When someone puts on a harness but is too afraid to go up 
    really high in the trees, we celebrate that they tried. And when someone conquers a fear 
    of heights, we cheer them on.

I can’t help but think about the church when I think of this contract. Every aspect of this contract are things that we, as the Body of Christ, are called to do.

  • We should make sure that we are a safe place for people to mess up and be able to share their mistakes, judgement free.
  • We should be a place where we are committed to the cause of the gospel.
  • We should a people who are respectful to everyone we encounter, showing them the Love of God.
  • We should always be responsible for spreading the gospel ourselves, not thinking that the job is for “someone else”.
  • And we should always be encouraging one another to live the Christian life. Shedding tears with each other in sorrow and rejoicing together in victories!